Digital Tools and Texts has been a great learning experience for me. I want to thank my classmates for sharing so many useful tools. The old adage goes, “If I get one thing I can use in my classroom, then it is a worthwhile PD.” How do you rate a class where almost everything can be turned into a great classroom experience?
The reading and dialog around Couros’ book has been invaluable too. I’m not sure I can be (or even want to be) an innovator all the time, but this class has made me think about my practice and want to improve. The final portfolios that we generate in OWP courses force us to practice the skills we preach every day: reflection and revision. It’s been gratifying to see how many ideas that I wrote about early in the class, before I even knew where we were going, have found their way into this portfolio. One new goal for my classes moving forward from this summer is to design my units so that my students get to constantly bring ideas forward through the school year.
Everything is linked below. Thanks and enjoy!