Know Doubt: A Personal Blog

I have always been a writer. I am the annoying guy who posts long-winded political diatribes on Facebook and responds to friends’ texts with “1/4, 2/4, 3/4, 4/4” replies.  I have also long  tinkered with the idea of creating a platform for my writing, both personal and professional (I am not sure, any longer, of the distinction).

When I started the OWP Arguments class this summer, the idea to roll a blog for the portfolio occurred to me.  I have done some work with websites in the past, so I thought, “how hard could it be?”

Four weeks later, here it is:

All of the materials for this portfolio (and another) are here, along with some other pieces I’ve written over the past month.  I plan to continue to use it to publish those long-winded rants on politics, teaching, and life in America, cross-link to social media and to call for comments on my writing (which I’ve already done once, with this post: Digital Text Set: Heroism).

If I want to teach writing, I need to be a writer.