Futureme.org Letter

Dear FutureMe,

Well, this is going to be a big year, isn’t it? What started as a relaxing, carefree summer morphed into a sudden decision to pursue a second Master’s degree. The excitement was so real in July; it was tangible, but now its August and suddenly, you’re burdened with all of these ideas…so many ideas…that will require you to rework almost everything you do in the coming year. It’s almost too much. Right about now, you’re sitting in a faculty meeting, probably shaking your head at the latest nuance in school uniform interpretation. Maybe you’ve just been informed of some seismic shift in the evaluation procedures or new requirements for sub coverage.

Remember how you had trouble paying attention in class because your brain was racing from idea to idea, puzzling out how you were going to revise to make sure that your students were part of an ongoing argumentative conversation.

Remember this…

Not once this summer did you ever think about any of that unimportant stuff. Not once! (well, except when you were writing this letter.)


Remember the excitement you felt when you read the first chapter of “They Say/I Say.” Remember how you had trouble paying attention in class because your brain was racing from idea to idea, puzzling out how you were going to revise to make sure that your students were part of an ongoing argumentative conversation.

Remember because you were excited at the pedagogical shift, but remember also because John Doe in the second row will have trouble concentrating too. He probably has a reason that is as valid to him as your distraction was to you in July. Keep revising those materials, but remember they have lives too.

Remember this…

You spent last spring revising your plan to teach grammar in 2017-18 and then, in the middle of July, you decided to throw it all out because you were introduced to an innovative idea, personalized grammar instruction online. You’re going to be crunched for time, especially at the beginning. Remember that the focus has to stay on what’s best for the students. Remember that “Eureka!” moment you had when you were exploring NoRedInk.com and connecting the serendipitous dots…one-to-one this year, blended learning, writing instruction, grammar necessity. Remember!

Remember this…

Remember the 15 times you had to talk yourself out of texting your principal or your department colleagues about some new approach you’d just learned and were considering using this year. Remember that need to share. You were so restrained. Good job. Now, spill it, man, spill it. Let your friends in on the good stuff you wanted them to know about the moment it arrived in your brain. Remember the giddiness. They’ll thank you.

Remember this…

180 days seems like a long time, but it’s not. Don’t let it get away from you. Put this stuff to good use. I believe you’ll make a difference like never before. Just dig in.

Now, pay attention to this faculty meeting or you’ll miss the new lunch line procedures and get mauled by your homeroom on day 2.
